2015 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 960 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 16 trips to carry that many people. Click here to see theContinue reading “2015 in review”

25, Park Street

The walk from Ballygunge Circular road to Park Street would be a shade under 20 minutes, 15 if you are in a breezy mood and walk like fire. LaMartiniere, The Kookie Jar, Hallmark, AGC were my witnesses while I gallantly strode towards my educative influences. Well, that was around 18 years back. But, the charmContinue reading “25, Park Street”

the 2015 that was..

Technically, we are still there. So hold on, but then, for how long? Its been a while since we keep talking about what went wrong, what didn’t go well, how people deceived you, how nature’s wrath upon you was so unwarranted, why your employer doesn’t pay you well, why the world has turned so cruel..Continue reading “the 2015 that was..”

Chennai – Mayhem to Life

the city of indian sunshine, the glory of south indian peninsula, quite always the doyen of heat and coffee, temples and bay of divine cuisine. ambushed by nature, swallowed by waters, mangled with chaos. chennai, the city of belligerent mother. today. raven by marauding clouds, broken hearts and thousand more. galloping horse sedated by theContinue reading “Chennai – Mayhem to Life”