Waves of Life

Every time I look at them, the innocence and the arrogance culminating in the same frame stuns you. It comes, goes back, comes again with rejuvenated strength and then disappears before emerging again. Every time, it comes back – a bit more stronger, with more conviction but very fragile at the same time. Anything built around its confidence is destroyed, though can be reshaped again.

That leaves us with a strong predicament. We, as human beings are invincible and vulnerable in bubbles. One comes, stays. The other one might come with it or make a separate entrance. One might stay a bit longer, the other one might stay forever (depends on how you are made).

Do I wait for the bubble to explode or am I the ‘Bubble’ in itself that needs introspection?

Food for thought.

Published by lifeoholic

Flamboyance meets me, and I could be contagiously luring. It kind of comes off in my writing, as my stories of passion and indulgence unfold.

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